PATHWAYS: A Symphony in Four Movements

For large orchestra – Duration: c 30:42

Movements: Oracle/Ancient Fantasies and Forgotten Songs/Slow Funk and Fast Shuffle/Revelation.  Commissioned by the Winston-Salem Symphony, Pathways is described by Jim Shertzer of the Winston-Salem Journal as “a contemporary musical rarity: a work that is entertaining and substantial.”  Ancient Fantasies was “brimming with plaintive, other worldly tunes and seductive musical textures” and Slow Funk and Fast Shuffle was a “crowd pleaser” as the “unexpected accents of the ‘funk’ section and the jazzy solos of the ‘shuffle’ section had even leaden feet tapping.”   George Sinclair of The Sentinel says the music of Pathways “sounds both familiar and new” and “although the sounds are wondrously varied and complex” there is “tonal clarity and stark simplicity of melodic line.”

Available on rental - please email inquiries to

Catalog: Orchestral Music